Bressay is an island on Shetland’s east side, a seven-minute ferry journey from Lerwick, Shetland’s capital town. Bressay’s easy access from Lerwick makes it an ideal choice for a day trip, but to enjoy its best walks, historic sites and stunning scenery will require a longer stay.
This website is run by Bressay Development Ltd, a community led organisation with a wide vision for supporting our community.
Exhibitions of work by local and visiting artists is on display in the Speldiburn café. Four individual studio spaces available to rent in a large bright former classroom. Extra public exhibition space also available.
MoreBressay's café situated within the former primary school! Join us for delicious lunches, soups, toasted sandwiches and filled rolls, and a selection of soft drinks, teas, coffees and cakes.
The Speldiburn GAN Shop has an ever-changing range of great quality items for sale. Open Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays 12.30 – 2.30. Current stock includes cookware, glasses and china, lovely handbags and a brilliant selection of clothing, books and jewellery.
BDL is committed to reducing Bressay's CO2 emissions and helping our community cut waste. In 2021 we begun a project to plant a 3000 tree woodland. Also in 2021, with funding from HIE and CARES, we replaced our storage heaters with air source heat units, added extra loft insulation and installed 40 solar panels. Speldiburn cafe uses compostable cups, straws and takeaway containers.
Upcoming events in Bressay.
Every Saturday morning. Meet at the Heritage Centre at 9.15am for a 9.30am start.
Read More10.30 - 12.30, every Friday. In the nursery at Speldiburn. A weekly friendly babies and bairns group.
Read More9.15 - 11.15pm, every second Wednesday from 8th January, Speldiburn. This drop-in service offers information about health and care support in the isles
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