Bulky household waste

Skips are currently arranged by Bressay Community Council

Please be aware of the following information.

Bressay Development Ltd will take note of any non-permitted waste placed in the skip along with the name of the person responsible.
Bressay Development Ltd will take no responsibility for irresponsible dumping of waste and any charge incurred will be the responsibility of the perpetrator.
Waste permittedWaste not permitted
Household furnitureDomestic refuse sacks
ToysBuilders / crofters waste Inc. wire / hurdles

DIY waste (not including plasterboard)

Engine / cooking oil
PlasticsGas bottles / fire extinguishers / flares
Small household electrical equipmentBatteries
Fridges / freezers


Dead animals

Paper / cardboard and cans / plastic bottles should be recycled via your own recycling bins.

The following items should be taken for recycling to the Gremista Waste Management Facility:

  • Engine oil
  • cooking oil
  • Batteries
  • plastic 6 pack holders

Glass jars and bottles should be placed in the recycling bins in the ferry carpark.

Collection of televisions, freezer and fridges will be arranged periodically.

For information or assistance with large items please contact us.

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